Those will be played in GZM KatoCorner

housing estate game, card game, board game
Those will be played in GZM KatoCorner
We will present a short lecture introducing the game and the basics of urban planning and design, and we will conduct workshops based on the card game ‘Game in the estate’ – www.grawosiedle.polsl.pl.
Place: Kato Science Corner, Młyńska 2, Katowice
Deadline: March 7, 2024 9.30
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Target group: youth (secondary schools)
Registration required: (limit max. 20 people): by e-mail (please provide the number of people and their names and surnames) to the following address: tomasz.bradecki@polsl.pl, tel. 793090078
Organizers: Metropolia GZM, Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, Urbanmodel scientific club
The classes are conducted by Dr. Hab. engineer arch. Tomasz Bradecki, professor of the Silesian University of Technology, together with members of the Urbanmodel scientific circle
The estate game aims to draw attention to the issue of intensifying housing development and shaping the space of estates. For this purpose, a theoretical approach is used, which draws from teaching and popularization activities.
The game is universal for various age groups and can be used for a classic card game. It has 2 decks, i.e. 2D and 3D – this makes it easier to imagine what individual buildings look like. The cards refer to 3D models that can be used to create virtual settlements. Just like in computer games, there are rules and different levels of advancement. The 3D deck offers beginners a game for points, the number of which depends on the value of urban indicators. The 2D deck allows you to create estate plans and can be used for board-like games; you don’t need a board, you don’t need any specialized rules. The 3D deck can be useful for advanced players. 3D models prepared by the authors can be downloaded and based on them it is possible to create 3D housing estates, just like when playing with blocks.
All elements of the estate game designed by the authors are intended to show the role and importance of urban indicators and parameters that determine the character of the development.
Cards 2 to 10 present housing development patterns in an increasing manner – the higher the card value, the higher the development intensity (number of apartments per hectare). The lowest values were reproduced in the form of single-family, multi-family buildings of low and medium intensity.
Course of the workshop:
2.Introduction to the OSIEDLE GAME and card taxonomy 10 min
Card demonstration, card presentation in augmented reality
Optional (if time remains and participants accept)
First public test of the board game with cards
Fot. Grzegorz Celejewski / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
How to plan a modern city well? “There must be awareness and dialogue” Arkadiusz Biernat
(…) The young people playing the “Estate Game” found out how challenging it is to develop urban space. – Without a substantive discussion and understanding of mutual interests, it is impossible to create a modern city,” concluded the Cities of Ideas debate in Jaworzno. (…) Experiences, opportunities but also threats were discussed on 21 February during the Cities of Ideas in Jaworzno Business Laboratory. There were also workshops. By playing a game, young people were able to see how challenging the space planning process is when you have to weigh the interests of the resident, the developer or the environmentalist (…)
Thank you very much to a very nice fruitful workshop meeting….
We will be discussing the creation of the modern city on 21 February at the Jaworzno Business Laboratory as part of the regular City of Ideas event.
We will begin with a workshop with young people entitled ‘The Settlement Game’, which will allow them to understand the basic issues related to spatial management, planning and development of the city and, above all, its development. Residents will be able to play the role of a developer, mayor, planner or community activist. These perspectives will provide an understanding of how complex the game of city development is and give answers to the question of what needs to be done to ensure there are no losers. After the workshop with residents, we will start a panel discussion at 12.45 pm. Our guests will be: Łukasz Kolarczyk – deputy mayor of Jaworzno, Tomasz Bradecki, Ph.D. inż. arch. prof. of the Silesian University of Technology – Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planning; Marta Sanigórska, inż. arch – second-year student of architecture at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice; Daria Bal, inż. arch – third-year second-year student of the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology.
Wyborcza.pl Katowice City Jaworzno
During 4DD w MCK w Katowice we explain how the game works
In December, tests of the housing estate game were held during teaching classes at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology.
The game was played by second degree English-speaking students under the direction of Dr. inż. arch. Michal Leszczynski (Group 5 architects) and Dr. inż. arch. Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek prof. PG. Several different games were tested.
Thank you very much for your involvement and we are happy to look forward to ‘indicator players’.
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The diploma thesis by our member Marta Sanigorska was awarded. The project of the estate was designed on the basis of urban planning analysis which used the cards of the Housing Estate Game.
The project was published by Architektura i Bizne .The work was done in the Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Planning under the direction of Tomasz Bradecki at the Silesian University of Technology.
We wish you further success and also encourage you to use our cards in future projects 🙂
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish you a good play.
We have been discussing the Hosing Estate Game during Silesian Festival of Science session: Hall of Fame 2023.11.12
During the conference, we presented the estate game – a speech by Tomasz Bradecki entitled A neighborhood card game – an experimental (non)/immersive tool in architectural and urban education on the topic of development – conclusions from application applications,
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