First public test of the board game with cards

Fot. Grzegorz Celejewski / Agencja
How to plan a modern city well? “There must be awareness and dialogue” Arkadiusz Biernat
(…) The young people playing the “Estate Game” found out how challenging it is to develop urban space. – Without a substantive discussion and understanding of mutual interests, it is impossible to create a modern city,” concluded the Cities of Ideas debate in Jaworzno. (…) Experiences, opportunities but also threats were discussed on 21 February during the Cities of Ideas in Jaworzno Business Laboratory. There were also workshops. By playing a game, young people were able to see how challenging the space planning process is when you have to weigh the interests of the resident, the developer or the environmentalist (…)
Thank you very much to a very nice fruitful workshop meeting….