Exhibition Models in the ‘Housing estate game’ – urban planning card game, exhibition of the Urbanmodel.org research group team, exhibition summarizing the faculty Models of sustainable housing complexes – students sem.VI, 1st st. academic year 202/2023 , exhibition curator, circle supervisor dr. hab. arch. Tomasz Bradecki
2023.06.02 – 2023.06.09 Gallery of the Faculty of Architecture, main hall, Akademicka 7, Gliwice.
The exhibition presents the effect of the project entitled “Game of Settlement – Urbanmodel scientific circle – models of playing cards, rules of the game and models of settlements made during the game.
The exhibition presents the semester works of the students of the 6th semester of the course Sustainable Housing Complexes. The works present models of selected housing complexes that can be considered sustainable, or have the characteristics of such settlements. The works present models made analogously to models for the settlement game.
The settlement game is aimed at drawing attention to the problem of intensification of residential development and shaping the space of settlements. To this end, a theoretical approach is used, which draws on didactic and popularization activities.