Last Friday, November 24, Marta Sanigórska, Natalia Dymarska and Daria Bal represented our, „Housing estate Game” at the International Scientific Conference TOWN, REGIONS, SPA, in a paper entitled ,,The problem of creating multi-variant studies of land absorption with the use of the urban Housing Estate Game”
They enriched their speech with examples from their engineering thesis, whose supervisor was dr. hab. Inz . arch. prof. PŚ Tomasz Bradecki:
Urban and architectural concept of the residential and commercial development complex at gen. Władysław Anders street in Gliwice. Design concept using pro-ecological solutions based on housing estate game models. – by Natalia Dymarska
Urban and architectural concept of the residential and commercial development complex at the Sikornik estate in Gliwice. Model concept using pro-ecological solutions based on housing estate game models. – by Marta Sanigórska.
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